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These articles are written by womenwurld staff members about a wide variety of topics that have to do with womanhood. Check them out below and feel free to submit ideas for articles through email/contact form.

Oct 18, 2021

Hispanic Heritage Month; Live Boldly and Proud

2021's Hispanic Heritage Month is nearly finished. Even though it is coming to an end, let us take a moment to remember this year's theme. The theme for this year was ‘Esperanza’, which means "to celebrate". Just because the month is almost over, doesn't mean the celebration of our roots has to be!

Hispanic Heritage Month; Live Boldly and Proud

Oct 12, 2021

How to Support Sexual Assault Survivors

So your friend is telling you about their experience with sexual assault. The situation may be blindsiding and emotional, and you may not know how to process the information you hear at that moment. Depending on the situation, the perpetrator could be someone you know personally, or it could be someone you don’t know at all, but either way, here are some tips to guide you through supporting a survivor of sexual assault.

How to Support Sexual Assault Survivors
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